As soon as the clock struck 12 and 2013 was ushered in, God started throwing interesting situations and experiences at me- one after another. Within a 4+ month span, I experienced unexpected and expected death, birth, loss of friendship, gain of new friendships, changes in my job, my relationship... If you can think of it, I experienced it... twice or more times in some categories.
...and honestly, I'd be fibbing if I acted as if I just accepted each event or occurrence with open arms and honest gratitude. I certainly did none of the before mentioned at first. When you're in the midst of a whole bunch of happenings, it can often feel like you're trying to walk against the wind.... sometimes you feel a slight breeze as you happily walk down the sunny pollution free streets of life... While other times you find yourself fighting through a pseudo hurricane, holding onto a lamppost, dodging trashcans, and silently cursing yourself for forgetting to X-tape your house's windows in preparation.
Needless to say, each situation was different and therefore brought forth a different reaction. It was hard at times to understand what was happening all around me. This is why I choose to use "interesting" as my adjective of choice, because that word neither has a negative nor a positive connotation.
Life can seem strange at times...and 'interesting' to say the least. But it just is what it is. Life is happening has been happening way before me and you, and it will continue to happen in the future. You and I cannot control 100% of what happens to us within our lives. Surprise Surprise... seriously... WE CANNOT CONTROL EVERYTHING.
I know that I personally don’t have all of the answers and I often times have trouble hearing the Voice that is there to tell me, "Go to the Left...or Go to the Right." But, it is in these times that I have learned to remain still. Reacting to situations with fear or anger isn't going to do anything but add undesired stress to your life.
When you find yourself in times where the wind feels like a hurricane-or a tornado for that matter-, just be still. Don’t resist the wind... So be it, if it carries you into the eye of the storm... With God, there actually is absolute rest in that place.